Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Got my first CSA bag

I signed up for a local CSA (Community Supported Agricultural) program - Local Food Stop. The way it works is you pay some amount of money ($20-30) every week and get a bag of produce grown at local farms. In this case, it's all organic stuff. Sometimes they throw in non-local produce, but it's always organic. I don't really care about organic produce. The reason I'm participating is to force myself to learn to cook and eat new things. This will give me some variety and help my cooking skills. Also, since the produce is always fresh and in season, it'll be a bit healthier and tastier than the crap they sell at my local Wal-Mart.

So anyway, today I got my first bag of stuff:

This is the small bag, it contains Snap Beans, Zucchini, Bibb Lettuce, Fuji Apples, Strawberries, and Swiss Chard.

I also got a bag of freshly roasted coffee from Higher Ground - the CSA purchases in bulk to save on shipping costs. I got the Peruvian.

For more information on CSA's, or to find one in your area, see,

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